it was a beautiful experience 意味

  • すばらしい経験だった


        beautiful:     beautiful adj. 美しい. 【副詞】 She looked absolutely beautiful. すごく美しかった an astonishingly beautiful work of art 驚くほど美しい芸術作品 She was bewitchingly beautiful. うっとりするほど美しかった a delici
        to be beautiful:    to be beautiful 艶めく つやめく
        experience:     experience n. 経験, 見聞, 体験. 【動詞+】 accumulate considerable experience 多くの経験を積む, 場数を踏む We develop our capacities by accumulating the experience of past generations. 過去の世代の人々の経験を蓄積することによって人
        to experience:    to experience 舐める 嘗める なめる 経る へる 受ける うける 感じる かんじる
        with experience:    経験{けいけん}(が蓄積{ちくせき}する)とともに
        (beautiful) scenery:    (beautiful) scenery 風光 ふうこう
        as beautiful as a picture:    絵のようにきれい
        as beautiful as ever:    いつもながら美しい
        bad and the beautiful:    {映画} : 《The ~》悪人と美女◆米1952
        beautiful addition to:    ~に彩りを添えるもの
        beautiful afternoon:    美しい午後{ごご}
        beautiful as a picture:    
        beautiful as ever:    
        beautiful beefsteak:    見事なステーキ
        beautiful beer:    おいしいビール


  1. "it was a bad experience" 意味
  2. "it was a bad night's work" 意味
  3. "it was a bad shock" 意味
  4. "it was a badly-kept secret" 意味
  5. "it was a beautiful ceremony" 意味
  6. "it was a big step forward" 意味
  7. "it was a bitter blow for german financial markets" 意味
  8. "it was a bitter day for the allies, who lost a hundred thousand men in the two actions" 意味
  9. "it was a bitter pill to swallow but it taught him a good lesson" 意味
  10. "it was a badly-kept secret" 意味
  11. "it was a beautiful ceremony" 意味
  12. "it was a big step forward" 意味
  13. "it was a bitter blow for german financial markets" 意味

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